PT CLIK is an affiliate of CRIF Spa and joint venture company with other leading technology and service providers in the Indonesian financial industry.
PT CRIF Lembaga Informasi Keuangan, PT CLIK, is licensed by the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK) to operate a credit bureau.
With more than in 21 cities as branch offices, 40 representative hub coverage and 500 technicians, PT Maha Mitra Sejati responsible to manage 200,000 EDC per month and growing. We transformed and become one of leading service company to deliver on time, accurate in term of installation, maintenance to our client, such as :
Our business model is designed to elevate operations in the Terminal rental, and service industry. Beyond its transformative tools and capabilities, integrated control and data processes bundled together. With our robust system, we able to complete jobs faster and confirm accuracy with automated approval workflows that prevent critical errors from being overlooked.
Our specialty in selecting high-quality merchants also one of our group services, under PT Maha Sentral Sejati, we have a good understanding on how persuade the merchant to sign-up – or boarding – process works, we could deliver merchant recruitment process, and ensuring the best possible service is provided to each of our client during the recruitment.
Under PT Global Sentra Teknologi, we are helping our customer less hassle in managing multiple integrations, dealing with multiple vendors, struggling with reconciliation, and paying fees for each separate payment gateway solution and processor you’ve set up for global payments, you can choose a fully integrated, end-to-end payment provider
We provide you with payment platform provides everything you need to accept various payments with single integration, contact, and of course account, we offer the most modern, flexible payments model, end to end payment platform with better option for you.
High Performance, All-in-One and Integrated Self-Service Kiosk Qios is aesthetically modern & extremely user friendly. Our self service solution is fully integrated with our complete software solution, designed to solve operational inefficiency, increase revenue and grow your business even faster. We accept all cashless payment methods and strive to provide a simple yet efficient experience to our kiosk users.
PT. Integra Pratama
The Vida Office Building 6th Floor
Jl. Raya Perjuangan No. 8
Jakarta 11530 - Indonesia